Ragnarök is... here!

#39: Silly Season

The evenings are getting darker and the days are getting wetter, which offers up the perfect excuse to get stuck into some games. Thankfully, the games industry knows this, and as winter rolls in so does the usual deluge of new releases.

Chances are you'll be playing God of War, Modern Warfare 2, Bayonetta 3 or Sonic Frontiers this weekend. If you're done with Plague Tale, Mario + Rabbids or any of the other big hitters that have arrived in recent weeks that is.

Of course, it's not all about the blockbusters, and there are plenty of smaller games either out already or on their way which shouldn't be overlooked. Regardless of your platform of choice there's plenty of excellent games to get stuck into at the moment. If you're currently enjoying one of the games mentioned above, or playing something completely different, I'd love to hear your thoughts.


I hope you like the rest of the newsletter!

Take care everyone, and enjoy your games!


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The best news, deals and gaming content of the week!




  • The Golden Games of Bond

The 25th anniversary of Rare's seminal N64 classic has prompted much celebration and analysis throughout the industry, and this excellent looking book from Nicolas Suszczyk promises "...a summary and analysis of the legacy of a game that changed a generation."

You can find out more here, or buy the book from Amazon here.


All the major releases arriving this week and next!

Somerville - Out next week!




Hand-picked gaming articles from around the web!

By Jack Yarwood - Time Extend

An archivist sets out to preserve video game toys one piece of plastic at a time

By Keza MacDonald - The Guardian

A new wave of indie horror games and remakes of haunting classics such as Silent Hill are getting more creative at trying to mess with your head.


More for your inbox!

  • The Goodnewsletter* - The world is filled with good news - you just have to know where to look. The Goodnewsletter’s got your back.

  • Refind* - Every day Refind picks 7 links from around the web tailored to your interests. Including, of course, gaming.

  • The Friendly Mind* - Get tips, tools, and resources to improve your emotional health and wellbeing.

  • Tip News Daily Brief* - Daily news highlights on the most need-to-know issues. No clickbait, no agenda, no bias.

*These publications are part of a cross-promotion. Any clicks/sign-ups help The Week in Games grow


Support independent games writing!

The Week in Games remains possible thanks to the ongoing support of valued members BitBloggistjohnXprinter & SeánLynch. If you enjoy it, please consider a paid membership from only £1 a month.

Alternatively, please simply forward this email to someone you think might like it, or give it a share on social media using the links at the top of the email. Thank you!

…and that’s it for this week!

I really hope you enjoyed the issue. I’m always looking at ways to improve this newsletter, so if you have any comments, suggestions or enquiries, please reply to this email or catch me over on Twitter!

Thanks again, and see you next week!
